Spoken English




  1. Use of Am, Is and Are
  2. Use of Was and Were
  3. Use of shall Be and will be
  4. Use of A, An and The
  5. Use of This, That, These and Those
  6. Possessive Adjectives, Possessive Pronouns & Possessive Case of Nouns
  7. Use of verb ‘to have’
  8. Use of Infinitive with Verb to have
  9. Use of infinitive with Verb ‘to be’
  10. Tense
  11. Future Tense & Future Time
  12. Adjectives of Quantity and Number
  13. Some More Hints on Interrogative Sentences
  14. Question Tags
  15. Introductory ‘There’
  16. Introductory ‘It’
  17. Use of Can, May, Should, Must & Ought
  18. Forms of Subjects
  19. Voice
  20. Direct and Indirect Speech/Narration
  21. Exercises for Revision
  22. Verb Forms


  1. The Sentence
  2. Subject and Predicate
  3. The Phrase and Clause
  4. Parts of Speech
  5. The Noun: Kinds of nouns, Gender, Number, Case
  6. Pronouns
  7. The Adjective
  8. The verb
  9. Adverb
  10. Preposition
  11. Conjunction
  12. Interjection
  13. Punctuation
  14. Emphatic
  15. Question Tag
  16. Voice
  17. Degree
  18. Articles
  19. Mood
  20. Tenses
  21. Phrases
  22. Clauses
  23. Analysis of Miscellaneous Sentences
  24. Transformation of Sentence
  25. Narration (Direct and Indirect Speech)
  26. Paragraph Writing
  27. Essay Writing
  28. Letter Writing
  29. Expansion of Passages
  30. Important Proverb
  31. Skill Development for writing and Speaking
  32. Discussion skill on a specific topic
  33. Few Important skill for an interview

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