AWS Top Interview Questions

AWS Interview Questions
AWS Interview Questions

Question: What is AWS?

Answer: AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a platform to provide secure cloud services, database storage, offerings to compute power, content delivery, and other services to help business level and develop.

Question: What is the importance of buffer in Amazon Web Services?

Answer: An Elastic Load Balancer ensures that the incoming traffic is distributed optimally across various AWS instances.  A buffer will synchronize different components and makes the arrangement additionally elastic to a burst of load or traffic. The components are prone to work in an unstable way of receiving and processing requests. The buffer creates an equilibrium linking various apparatus and crafts them to work at an identical rate to supply more rapid services.

Question: Which one of the storage solutions offered by AWS would you use if you need extremely low pricing and data archiving?

Answer: Amazon Glacier. AWS Glacier is an extremely low-cost storage service offered by Amazon that is used for data archiving and backup purposes. The longer you store data in Glacier, the lesser it will cost you.

Question: How will you configure an Amazon S3 bucket to serve static assets for your public web application?

Answer: By configuring the bucket policy to provide public read access to all objects

Question: Why do we make subnets?

Answer: Creating subnets means dividing a large network into smaller ones. These subnets can be created for several reasons. For example, creating and using subnets can help reduce congestion by making sure that the traffic destined for a subnet stays in that subnet. This helps in efficiently routing the traffic coming to the network reduces the network’s load

Question: Is it possible to switch from an Instance-backed root volume to an EBS-backed root volume at any time?

Answer: No, it is not possible.

Question: When should you use the classic load balancer and the application load balancer?

Answer: The classic load balancer is used for simple load balancing of traffic across multiple EC2 instances. While, the application load balancing is used for more intelligent load balancing, based on the multi-tier architecture or container-based architecture of the application. Application load balancing is mostly used when there is a need to route traffic to multiple services.

Question: Which one of the following is a structured data store that supports indexing and data queries to both EC2 and S3?
a) DynamoDB
b) MySQL
c) Aurora
d) SimpleDB

Answer: SimpleDB

Question: If in CloudFront the content is not present at an edge location, what will happen when a request is made for that content?

Answer: CloudFront will deliver the content directly from the origin server. It will also store the content in the cache of the edge location where the content was missing.

Question: What kind of IP address can you use for your customer gateway (CGW) address?

Answer: We can use the Internet routable IP address, which is a public IP address of your NAT device.

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