


Promise of this course is to help strengthen your Java programming skill”. This Training course it is simpler to use than C++ and enforces an object-oriented programming model.

To master any programming language one needs hands-on practice along with clarity of concepts. The course emphasis 50% of course duration on Lab practice and includes smart tips like Best Practice, Interview Tip, Group Exercise, Classroom Quiz to help increase your curiosity and also help you to become expert with knowledge of peripheral concepts.

It covers Java programming language and its interactions with software design. We offer this advance course with the following objectives:

Course Objectives

  • Apply OOAD concepts to build Java applications.
  • Develop console based programs using Java.
  • Develop GUI applications using Java.
  • Develop database applications using Java.
  • Develop a web-based application using JSPs & Servlets.
  • Strong foundation for applying design patterns like MVC.

Delegates will learn:

The C++ course offered by us will help you learn:

  • Process XML using Java APIs. Unique
  • Create a web site with database connectivity.
  • Process XML using Java APIs. Unique
  • Develop a web application using Struts 2.x framework.
  • Use JDBC APIs in Java application.
  • Create a user-defined interceptor
  • Associate Validation Framework with Struts 2.x application
  • Describe MVC Model 2 Framework, AOP, IOC and DI.


  • 10th & 12th class students
  • Undergraduates, Graduates and Post-Graduates
  • Post graduate students – MCA, MCM, etc.


  • Should know to operate computer
  • Knowledge of programming techniques would be an advantage

Course Content

Gyani Labs