The Internet of Animals, Scientists Plan to track & Save Wildlife


With the help of tiny sensor & other equipment aboard the space station the project ICARUS looks to revolutionize animal tracking.

THE ISS International Space Station, orbiting somewhere 240 miles above the planet is about to monitor the world’s wildlife animal tracking.

The installation process of a large antenna and other high end other equipment aboard the orbiting outpost was started by Russian astronauts in 2018 and this summer it is fully functional and working properly.

This system will collect the information of animal or bird’s location, physiology and environment.

Entire system will help scientists, conservationists and others whose work needs close monitoring of wildlife on the move and they will collect more information on the health of world’s ecosystem.

According to Professor Walter Jetz “We will discover new migration paths, habitat requirements, things about species behavior that we didn’t even think about. That discovery will bring about all sorts of new questions.”

The science of tracking wildlife animals or species is known as bio-logging.

Gyani Labs