Apple new products virtual fitness service, subscription bundle, catering to pandemic work-from-home

Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks during a special event at the company headquarters of Apple park image taken from

Apple Inc announced a new virtual fitness service, Apple One, focusing a holiday-season product launch on services and that cater to customers working at home during this pandemic.

Today Apple also introduced their new Apple Watch Series 6 and it monitors blood oxygen (Price $399) and a more basic Apple Watch SE ($279).

The Apple One bundle plan details :
a) $15 per month for an individual plan
b) $20 per month for a family plan and include television, music and games.
c) Apple is also offering a bundle for $30 per month that adds news, the fitness service and more storage.

However, Spotify is not happy with the Apple One and the launch really isn’t sitting well at all with Spotify, as the Apple Music competitor saw the following statement less than an hour after Apple’s event ended:

“Once again, Apple is using its dominant position and unfair practices to disadvantage competitors and deprive consumers by favoring its own services. We call on competition authorities to act urgently to restrict Apple’s anti-competitive behavior, which if left unchecked, will cause irreparable harm to the developer community and threaten our collective freedoms to listen, learn, create, and connect.”

Gyani Labs