Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath invests in drone start-up

Zerodha and True Beacon co-founder Nikhil Kamath
Zerodha and True Beacon co-founder Nikhil Kamath

Zerodha and True Beacon co-founder Nikhil Kamath, along with Abhijeet Pai, has invested in Omnipresent Robot Tech through their investment arm Gruhas Proptech.

This round also saw co-investments from Kavin Shah, and other individual high net worth individuals, according to a statement released on Thursday.

However, the amount invested by Kamath and Pai has not been disclosed.

“We are excited about our investment in Omnipresent. With Omnipresent’s propriety technology and a capable founding team, we at Gruhas are confident about the impact of this scheme,” Kamath said.

Omnipresent provided agriculture spray drones to the government to fight the locust attacks in 2021. The company developed an integrated Agri Nerve Centre solution for monitoring diseases in crops for targeted spraying that could potentially boost crop yield by up to 20 percent.

Also, the company has also worked on the prestigious Chandrayaan-2 project developing perception and navigation software for the Chandrayaan-2 rover.

“We are delighted to partner with Gruhas and confident that we will disrupt the drone sector under the guidance of such eminent partners,” Omnipresent’s founder Sinha said.

Gyani Labs